Prostatitis is a common disease characterized by multiple treatment methods. In other words, no single treatment plan is equally effective for different forms of this pathology.

The same remedy for different types of patients can be very effective and completely useless. However, the doctor agrees that treatment of prostatitis at home is one of the mandatory stages of a comprehensive plan to restore men’s health. Therefore, let us get acquainted with the most popular methods and treat occult prostatitis at home!
Can I receive treatment at home?
It's no secret that you can apply for qualified help only after you have tried all the folk remedies at home. This method is fundamentally wrong-after discovering the symptoms of discomfort (inguinal area discomfort, painful urination, weakened erection), you should seek expert help immediately. The appointment of a doctor can then be combined with treatment at home. Moreover, there are many time-tested methods to eliminate this disease. Remember: To perform amateur performances on important things such as prohibiting one's health, a professional must prescribe medication to supplement the "grandmother" treatment.
Summarizing all the above, we can emphasize that it is possible to treat chronic prostatitis at home. However, it is still not worthwhile to forget that there are modern medical developments aimed at maintaining men’s health.
Simple but powerful recipe
When the question of how to treat prostatitis at home came up, they recalled the simplest thing-pumpkin seeds. The healing properties of pumpkin seeds are legendary. Ancient therapists actively used them to treat various forms of prostatitis. The fact is that the product contains a lot of zinc-regardless of age, men should include this element in their daily menus. Eating only 30 pumpkin seeds per day (once before meals) can treat prostatitis-positive results will soon be received. In this way, even the late chronic process can be cured.
The same starting materials can be used to treat diseases at home, but in different ways. You should peel half a kilogram of pumpkin seeds, pass them through a meat grinder, and add 200 grams of honey. The resulting materials are mixed to form walnut-sized balls. You can store the medicine in the refrigerator. Patients with prostatitis should eat 1-2 of these balls a day before meals.
Sweets must be chewed thoroughly. Please note that you do not need to fry the seeds. It is enough to repeat these methods once a year-chronic prostatitis will no longer bother you.
Another popular method is chestnut treatment. Use a needle to remove the chestnut shell and cover it with boiling water. Pour the soup for an hour, and then drink it like tea. Similarly, use the resulting solution to make an enema.
Mature chestnuts will help get rid of chronic prostatitis:
- Separate the peel from them, chop and pour in boiling water (300 ml). overnight.
- In the morning, the solution was filtered and placed in a water bath.
- Pour the remaining 200 ml into a black bottle.

30 drops each time 30 times a day before meals. The course of treatment for prostatitis is 2 months. To completely cure prostatitis, you need at least 3 courses.
Benefits of juice
Facts have proved that chronic prostatitis at home can be cured with more "delicious" methods. For this, juice is used, which is more pleasurable to drink than chestnut soup, for example. Although the use of freshly squeezed fruit juice promotes the release of uric acid, the uric acid does not flow out, which can lead to the development of diseases. For treatment with fruit juice at home, asparagus, beets, carrots, and cucumbers are particularly good. Asparagus deserves special praise from men. Yes, the juice you drink during the day should be at least half a liter.
You can also treat prostatitis at home with the help of black elderberry juice. It must be taken in a large bowl on an empty stomach and a tablespoon in the morning. The course lasts for 10 days. In order to maintain the beneficial properties of the beverage, it is recommended to add a little vinegar to the juice. Please note: body temperature may rise. This is completely normal, indicating that the treatment is effective.
Prostate massage
Prostate massage at home can even treat men’s most advanced diseases. The process cannot be said to be pleasant, but the high efficiency of the treatment makes you forget the discomfort and reconcile the positive emotions.
So, what can explain the positive impact? Why is massage at home almost positioned as a mandatory operation leading to rehabilitation? Let us figure it out. Massage not only eliminates bacterial prostatitis (chronic), but also safely eliminates other forms (viral, mixed, gonorrhea). Is the massage:
- Normalize the blood circulation of the prostate;
- Improve the muscle tone of the prostate;
- Ensure the correct flow of secrets;
- Improve the effectiveness of using antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs to treat men.
However, unknowingly, massage at home may be harmful. In particular, he naively believes that this process is performed independently, without the help of a urologist or andrologist. Massage should only be performed by licensed experts. The only thing: For most people, this is much easier in a home environment than in a public or private medical institution.

Prostate massage is one of the common treatments for inflammation.
Like any other medical procedure, there are many contraindications to prostate massage at home. For example, in the presence of cysts and stones in the prostate, massage will not produce results related to acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic prostatitis with signs of malignant lesions.
As for the indications, massage should be given to asymptomatic prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, sexual dysfunction and lack of response to medication. Similarly, for research purposes, massage is also necessary to obtain prostate secretions.
Prostatitis treatment instrument
In order to save men from tedious outpatient travel and treat prostatitis at home, special equipment will be allowed.
These devices operate on different principles, so they are classified as follows:
- Vibration effect. Due to the micro-vibration, the congestion of the prostate is eliminated, muscle tension is increased, and the symptoms of urethral irritation are alleviated.
- Electrical shock. It is designed to stimulate tissues by modulating electric current through rectal or skin electrodes.
- Magnetic shock. The magnetic device has decongestion, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
- Laser exposure. Such equipment is processed by infrared radiation.
Not to mention the equipment itself is impossible. In the modern medical equipment market, there are a large number of equipment used for physical therapy procedures at home.
medical treatement
Medication is another essential item in the treatment of prostatitis. Medical methods are more important than ever, which is understandable. Even the most innovative developments and massages cannot compete with the achievements of pharmacology. In order to eliminate tuberculosis, gonorrhea prostatitis and prostatitis caused by ureaplasma and mycoplasma, only antibiotics are allowed.
Prostatitis requires careful consideration of prescription options. Sometimes taking medicine at home will be delayed for several months. It all depends on the form and severity of the process. Therefore, male chronic prostatitis is more difficult to cure than acute prostatitis. In any case, the medicine should be prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.
You cannot take any medications without consulting an expert, otherwise the situation will only get worse. As you can see, prostatitis can be treated at home, the most important thing is not to ignore the advice of professionals and follow the advice of the attending physician.